Classwork 47
Link to .pdf of article on fox domestication
Link to .pdf of article on dog domestication
Link to website for fox domestication article
Link to website for dog domestication article
Click on one of the above links and read the article. Then answer the questions below on a piece of looseleaf. Enjoy your break!
1. Describe the process of domestication that took place in the article. How did humans go about taming wolves/foxes?
2. Which physical traits changed during the domestication process?
3. How was the biodiversity of the dogs/foxes affected? For example, was it increased? Was it decreased?
4. What is your opinion on the domestication of animals? Do you think it is (or was) a positive action (or a negative action)? Think about both humans and the animals involved.
In addition, you need to complete the rest of Classwork 46B. Click on the links below for the assignment and helpful materials.
Link to Classwork 46B

Hemoglobin Protein Evidence for Step #3
Hypotheses for Step #4

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