1. Describe how today’s activity demonstrated natural selection.

2 – 5. The figure above, the outer ring shows the different species of finch found on the Galapagos Islands. The next two rings in show how the beak was used. The inner circle shows the types of food eaten by the finch.
2. What type or types of finch would best be able to survive if the weather changed on the Galapagos Islands and seeds suddenly became thicker and larger? Explain why.
3. One island is populated by two species – Small Ground Finches and Small Tree Finches. What two types of food do you expect to see on the island? Explain why.
4. Would you expect the two species to compete for food? Explain why or why not.
5. How would the two native finches species discussed above survive if a large group of Sharp-billed Ground Finches migrated to the island? Explain why.
6a. In order for natural selection and evolution to occur, what factors do you think need to be present?
6b. How can these factors work to produce changes in a population of organisms (such as finches). Provide an example to help explain your answer.
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