What is point of reproduction? What is the point of life?
- - to pass on genes to the next generation
- - good genes get to survive and traits that help these get passed on survive as well
What is the point of sexual reproduction?
- - review: sexual reproduction requires two parents each contributing unique genetic material (technically, two sources of unique genetic material – so hermaphrodites work)
- - multiple parents means that offspring will have unique combinations of genes not found in either parent
- - this means that the population has more variety and better able to survive changes in its environment
o remember that natural selection requires variation in traits (ie. genes)
o if all genes are the same, then the population does not adapt
How are natural selection and sexual reproduction related? What is sexual selection?
- - review: natural selection dictates that traits that aid survival and/or reproductionwill become more common within a population over time
- - so, some traits appear (as a result of random mutations) that allow organisms to attract more mates or be more successful at reproducing
o this is called sexual selection – where the members of one sex prefer certain traits in mates
o why? b/c these traits represent good health, strong genes
o ex. peacock’s tail feathers, males (of many different types of animal) threatening other males
o it happens in humans too!
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